Hawkins Hatton Corporate Lawyers have been entertaining clients for the last 15 years at Weston Park and this has turned into one of the most prestigious business events in the West Midlands business calendar. In that time, this firm (more affectionally known as HH) have worked incredibly hard in creating a name and reputation which cannot be surpassed by any other niche corporate practice outside of London. This is acknowledged by Chamber and Partners and Legal 500 who are the only two journals who rank lawyers and law firms nationally and internationally. It is also the place where HH write their global editorials in respect of the UK.
HH are remarkably earnest which can be seen through their hard work during difficult times to always stay relevant and continuing to evolve in order to meet the exacting standards set by them for their clients, who have grown to be close friends, sticking by HH through thick and thin. This has been demonstrated by HH’s two latest dinners in the month of November with the theme being “Skyfall”, during which they extracted iconic characteristics of James Bond, such as “commitment”, “loyalty” and “diligence”, and compared them to the guests in the room who were, as contemporaries, more than a match for Scaramanga. You do not need a golden gun! You just need dedicated people who will fight in your corner. Do not be fooled by the Bond-esque theme as it was not all about Ian Flemming, the creator of the iconic 007, It drew on the bond markets also known as gilts in an interesting play on words brought an end to the last Chancellor of the exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng and his Prime Minister, Liz Truss. This was a prelude to the discussions of QE (Quantative Easing) and QT (Quantative Tightening) and how powerful the bond market can be in eliminating Chancellors and Prime Ministers alike.
“You all share a likeness to James Bond” said Colin Rodrigues, corporate partner at Hawkins Hatton as Harminder Sandhu agreed as she fondly shared memories of friends, old and new. The evening ended on a high for both clients and professional advisers, who came to celebrate not just HH’s achievements, but to acknowledge their part in how they have helped UK PLC wheels turning.